Centennial Year Church Events

December 5, 2004 - The children of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church gathered after Divine Liturgy to perform before the parish in the annual St. Nicholas Day Pageant. This performance is not a boisterous Christmas celebration but rather a subdued one in which both St. Nicholas - whose Feast Day is celebrated by the Orthodox Church on December 6 - and the approaching Nativity are called to mind by way of religious songs and the recounting of Biblical passages. Everyone knows the gentleman in the photo lower right as "Santa Claus". He is a mythical figure created through the ages to provide a convenient and simple explanation to young children for the exchange of gifts associated with Nativity. He is a nostalgic figure as well to adults, all of whom retain a small portion of the child within themselves. As mythical as Santa Claus is, however, the basis of the concept behind him is very real. There was, in fact, a real St. Nicholas (icon below left), a man born of religious parents in the city of Patara-Lycia in Asia Minor in the latter part of the third century. He became a monastic priest known for his service to the poor and needy and as a benefactor in secret. When St. Nicholas's parents died, he gave his inheritance to the poor and needy. Selected by the Holy Spirit to become the Bishop of the city of Myra in Lycia, he was instrumental in quashing the heresy of Arius at the Ecumenical Council of Nicea in 325 A.D. St. Nicholas lived to a venerable age and died on December 6, now his Feast Day, in the year 342. He was originally buried in the city of Constantinople but before the Turks sacked Constantinople in the eleventh century, St. Nicholas appeared in a dream to the Christian warriors and ordered that his body be removed from the city of Constantinople. This was done, and his body was taken to the Italian city of Barre, where it now reposes. His memory is greatly honored in Russia, and many of the people there turn to him in prayer to secure his help and assistance in the time of their need.

Prior to the pageant, Mr. Philip Rogozenski brought in his own electronic equipment and keyboard to provide a musical interlude (below left) and Father David Garretson (below right) addressed the audience as the children changed into their costumes in preparation for the event.

Above left, the children enter the Church Hall to the applause of the audience. Below is a multitude of photos largely in the order that they were shot in an attempt to be as inclusive as possible inasmuch as there were many participants in the pageant and even more appreciative adults in the audience. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!

Above left, fathers brought along their video cameras to record the event while, above right, a pensive angel awaits her turn in performance.

Below left, it never hurts to review one's lines immediately before going on stage!

Above left, proud and beaming parents watch while their children perform (above right and below right). Below left, the three Wise Men await stage direction.

Above left, Tim Horsky and Kristin Berezniak played the roles of Joseph and Mary, respectively. Above right, the color red seemed to be a favorite choice for apparel for the day.

Above left, Choir Director Basil Kozak led the children in the singing of religious songs. In the photo, an aspiring musical director "assists" Mr. Kozak. Above right, Mrs. Natalka Pavlovsky-Weismantel, in charge of the St. Nicholas Day Pageant, follows the performance line by line and prompts performers from the "orchestra pit".

As far as the children were concerned, the highlight of the day was the arrival of St. Nicholas (above left). Above right, St. Nicholas addresses those assembled about his significance and the true meaning of Christmas. St. Nicholas was played by - well, since children may be viewing this page - St. Nicholas was played by himself!

Santa has "helpers" throughout the world and things are no different in South River. Above left and right we see Santa's "helpers" assisting him in the distribution of presents.

After the distribution of gifts, many took advantage of the opportunity to take family photos with Santa (above right and below).

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Copyright © 2004, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ