Church Events

This page is dedicated to those individuals and groups who freely devote their time, skills, and services on a regular basis for the betterment of SS. Peter and Paul Church and her parishoners. The listings on this page are on a nonpreferential, randomized basis. This page is by no means complete - it is a work in progress. Parishoners are welcome to e-mail the Webmaster with suggestions for additions of other individuals or groups to this page.

The church choir (shown above left at Nativity 2003 and above right in concert in December, 2003) is an integral part of every Orthodox Church service. Whether a quartet sings for a Vesper service or twenty-five are gathered for a major Holy Day, their a capella singing beautifies each service. Members meet regularly on Wednesday nights for rehearsal.

Click on photo for a larger view

Church School teachers (shown above left on September 19, 2004) are responsible on Sunday mornings after Divine Liturgy for the education of our Church's youth. Parish Council (above right) members are responsible for overseeing the financial affairs of the Church and the maintenance of Church properties. They also provide such vital services as the lighting of candles during services.

You may click on the photo above left to view an enlargement.

Above left, members of the Men's Club are shown serving coffee and food after Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning. Coffee Hour is held fifty-two weeks each year and various Church organizations are responsible each month on a rotation basis for providing this service to parishoners. Above right, Church Treasurer Diane Dreyer discusses the Church's food coupon program with Walter Deerson. Ms. Dreyer supervises the program each week wherein parishoners buy (at face value) coupons redeemable for food at various grocery stores. The Church purchases these coupons at a discount to face value with the resultant profit benefitting the Church treasury.

Above, Church President James Kornafel is shown holding copies of the Church Bulletin which he produces each week. The Church Bulletin, a multi-page document generally consisting of ten or more pages, is a source for the schedule of weekly Church services and information at the local, regional, and national level. Included is an updated prayer list for our Church members and information about Holy Days. Many homebound individuals receive the Church Bulletin on a regular basis to keep in touch with parish services and activities. The Church Bulletin is available without fail fifty-two weeks per year at the conclusion of Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings.

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Copyright © 2004, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ