Centennial Year Church Services
November 13, 2004 - Vespers - the service which is celebrated at the end of the day wherein we express our gratitude to God for the day just passed - was a special service this weekend inasmuch as His Grace TIKHON, Bishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania was present at all services marking the beginning of our Centennial Year observance at SS. Peter and Paul Church in South River, N.J. Below left, Vladyka TIKHON is shown seconds before entering our Church for the first time. Below right, our Pastor, the Rev. David F. Garretson, greets Bishop TIKHON as he enters the Church proper with the presentation of the Cross.
A little explanation about the service and the role of the bishop is in order. The bishop does not celebrate the Vespers service per se. That role falls to a single priest even when more than one priest or bishop is present. In this instance, the Vespers service was performed by Father David. The elevated section in front of the Iconostasis is called the solea. At the end of the solea is a special area referred to as the cliros. The bishop's chair, or cathedra, normally found at the High Place in the Sanctuary, is positioned on the cliros for the bishop. In front of the cathedra is a circular rug known as the orlets. (see photo below left). This rug on which the bishop stands has an image of an eagle flying over a city, symbolizing that the bishop should soar from earthly things to heavenly things much like an eagle. Likewise, as an eagle can see clearly over distances, so must a bishop oversee all parts of his diocese. Thus Bishop TIKHON spent the entire service in front of that part of the Iconostasis devoted to icons of our Church's Patrons - SS. Peter and Paul.
The photo below left shows that the service was well-attended. Below right, our choir, under the direction of Mr. Basil Kozak, sang the responses beautifully and prayerfully. The remainder of this block of ten photos shows various views of our Church at the conclusion of the Vespers service as Father David greeted Bishop TIKHON and, in turn, as Bishop TIKHON spoke briefly about the significance of our Centennial.
At the Dismissal, Bishop TIKHON greeted each parishoner with the Cross. Each individual was given an icon card in remembrance of the service. Note in the photo immediately below left that the bishop wears at all times, as part of his normal attire and for services, a panagia around his neck. The panagia, which means "all-holy" in Greek, is a small round icon of Jesus Christ or the Theotokos and it is many times adorned with precious stones.
The evening was not finished with the conclusion of Vespers as a reception billed as an "Ice Cream Social" was held in our Church Hall immediately following Vespers. This was an opportunity for children, and adults as well, to meet Bishop TIKHON and engage him in an open exchange of questions and answers about the Orthodox Faith and about Bishop TIKHON himself.
In the photos above left and below, one can see that all sorts of goodies for the "sweet tooth" were available as promised beforehand.
In photos above, adults greet Bishop TIKHON. Below, children greet Bishop TIKHON, some of them more shy than others.
Above, Bishop TIKHON answers parishoners' questions and tells them as well about his upbringing. He also discussed a typical day for monks at St. Tikhon's Monastery and Orthodox Theological Seminary. The block of eight photos below concludes this photoreport. It shows people having a good time which requires no further explanation!
Copyright © 2004, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ