Centennial Year Church Services
November 14, 2004 - The day dawned bright, clear, and cold - nothing exceptional for a Sunday morning in mid-Fall. However, this was not an ordinary Sunday morning as the photo below left indicates. The presence of the circular rugs and the Crozier, or Pastoral Staff, suggests that a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy is about to begin. Indeed, His Grace, Bishop TIKHON, is with us this morning to lead us in Divine Services and to help inaugurate the beginning of the Centennial Year observance of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in South River, New Jersey. It is a special day for one of our parishoners as well. Joseph Shaluha (shown below right before Divine Liturgy), a member of the choir, is to be tonsured a reader in the Orthodox Church, the first such tonsuring in SS. Peter and Paul's 100 Year history. This photoreport is the first of two parts. Please see "Hierarchical Liturgy (2)" for a description of the second portion of the Divine Liturgy. Thanks to James Sopchak for his photo contributions to both pages.
Everyone awaits Bishop TIKHON'S arrival with expectant anticipation. Above, Rev. David Garretson, Pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Church, waits in the center of the Church with the hand Cross while James Kornafel, Church President, holds the traditional greeting of bread and salt for the bishop. Below left, children holding baskets of rose petals shield themselves from the cold while awaiting the arrival of Bishop TIKHON. Below right, as His Grace processes toward Church, the children of the parish throw rose petals in his path as a sign of greeting. You may click on the photo immediately above to view an enlargement.
Above left, President Kornafel greets Bishop TIKHON with the traditional bread and salt. Above right, Father David greets Bishop TIKHON with the hand Cross. All three individuals make brief remarks pertaining to our Church's past and future. Below, Bishop TIKHON venerates the Tetrapod icon, prays before the Ambo and the Royal Doors, bestows a blessing upon the parishoners assembled, and then returns to the center of the Church for his ceremonial vesting.
Above left, two subdeacons vest Bishop TIKHON as a deacon (above right) recites special prayers specific to each article placed upon the bishop during his vesting. Below left and right, parishoners watch the vesting of Bishop TIKHON with rapt attention.
Immediately above, the fully vested Bishop TIKHON then bestows a blessing upon the entire parish. In his hands he holds the double and triple branched candlesticks, known respectively as Dikiri and Trikiri. The Dikiri represents the dual nature of Jesus Christ (both human and divine) while the Trikiri represents the Holy Trinity - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. You may click on the photo immediately above to view an enlargement.
Before the Divine Liturgy proper begins, the tonsuring of Joseph Shaluha as a reader takes place. A small portion of hair from the top of his head is removed in the shape of a Cross, signifying humility of person and commitment of future service to God.
In photos above, a short red Tunic (Felon), which barely covers the shoulders, is put upon the Reader when he is set apart by the Bishop, and is rarely worn except upon that day. It symbolizes the reader's coming under the yoke of the Priesthood, and his dedication to the service of God. Joseph's usual vestment will be the Dalmatic (Stikhar), shown immediately above. Upon tonsure Bishop TIKHON randomly opened the book containing the Epistles and handed it to Joseph to begin reading what he first sees. The reading chosen was the following: "The saying is sure: If any one aspires to the office of bishop, he desires a noble task." (1 Timothy 3:1) This passage was one of the passages chosen several days earlier as one of the inspirational Bible passages for the week on the homepage of our Church Website and it was certainly an appropriate passage to be read in the presence of Bishop TIKHON. In photo below left we see the parishoners present for the Divine Liturgy as viewed from the choir loft. Below right, our choir, under the able direction of Mr. Basil Kozak, sang the responses to the Divine Liturgy in a beautiful and solemn manner befitting the Hierarchical Liturgy.
Photo above left was taken during the Little Entrance. Photo above right was taken during Bishop TIKHON'S sermon. Below left and right, parishoners and clergy as they listen to Bishop TIKHON'S sermon.
The two photos below, the left one having been taken from the unique perspective of the Sanctuary, show Bishop TIKHON at the beginning of the Cherubimic Hymn. Please go to "Hierarchical Liturgy (2)" to see a photoreport covering the Divine Liturgy to its conclusion.
Copyright © 2004, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ