Centennial Year Church Services

November 14, 2004 - This photoreport is a continuation of "Hierarchical Liturgy (1)" which covers the Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Grace, TIKHON, Bishop of Philadelphia and Eastern Pennsylvania, as part of the opening observances of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church's Centennial Year celebration. Thanks to James Sopchak for his photo contributions to both pages. In the two photos below, we see Bishop TIKHON at the beginning of the singing of the Cherubimic Hymn. One will notice a slightly different perspective in the photo lower right in that it and many of the photos to follow were taken in the Sanctuary. With the blessing of Bishop TIKHON and Father David Garretson, your reporter was permitted access to the Sanctuary and you, the viewer, are the beneficiary by being able to gain a different perspective on the celebration of the Divine Liturgy.

Above, Bishop TIKHON and Father David pray at the Altar as the Hymn of the Cherubim is sung by the choir. Below, we see the Gifts prepared on the Table of Oblation for the Proskomedia. In a Divine Liturgy celebrated by a priest, the Proskomedia is celebrated by the priest prior to the beginning of the Divine Liturgy. In a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy, the Bishop celebrates the Proskomedia immediately prior to the Great Entrance.

Above and below, scenes from the Proskomedia and the Great Entrance.

In photo immediately below, the Holy Gifts are now on the Altar at the conclusion of the Great Entrance and the choir is about to sing the Creed - "I believe in One God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, And of all things visible and invisible ..."

In the photos above right and below left, Bishop TIKHON and Father David fan the Gifts about to be consecrated with the Aer in expectation of the descent of the Holy Spirit.

Above right, the deacon raises the Holy Gifts during the Consecration - "Thine own, of Thine own, we offer unto Thee, in behalf of all, and for all." In photo below left, Father David prays "And again we offer unto Thee this our reasonable service, for all thy servants departed this life before us in the Faith; for our ancestors, fathers, the Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Preachers, Evangelists, Martyrs, Confessors, Ascetics, and for every righteous soul who hath died in the faith."

Above right, His Grace TIKHON partakes of Holy Communion. Below left, His Grace TIKHON reads post-Communion prayers at the Table of Oblation. Below right, Choir Director Basil Kozak leads the children in singing a hymn before Communion.

Below, parishoners approach the Chalice for Holy Communion. As each parishoner receives communion the Father David and Bishop TIKHON say "The servant of God partaketh of the precious and holy Body and Blood of our Lord, and God, and Savious, Jesus Christ, unto the remission of his sins, and unto life everlasting."

In photos above, children venerate the Cross and greet Bishop TIKHON at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy. In photo below left, the traditional post-Liturgy photo of His Grace, Bishop TIKHON, with all of those who served in the Sanctuary. Below right, Mr. Basil Kozak, Choir Director, poses with the clergy.

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In the photo below left, newly tonsured reader Joseph Shaluha and his family pose with the clergy who celebrated the Divine Liturgy. Below right, Church President (Starosta) James Kornafel poses with the clergy who celebrated the Divine Liturgy.

You may click on the two group photos above and the two group photos below to view enlargements.

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In photos above, the parishoners have left Church but the choir (above left) remains to sing the Dismissal as the Bishop is de-vested. As Bishop TIKHON leaves Church, he first venerates the Tetrapod icon as the choir sings "Eis Polla Eti, Despota."

In photos above and below, Bishop TIKHON enters the Church Hall for a brief reception with the parishoners of SS. Peter and Paul Church. This gathering is a short one as it is now well after 12:00 Noon and at 4:00 p.m., Bishop TIKHON and parishoners will be returning to Church for the celebration of a Molieben (Service of Thanksgiving) at the beginning of our Centennial Year.

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Copyright © 2004, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ