Church Events

But Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven."

Matthew 19:14

Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6

SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in South River, New Jersey conducts Sunday School instruction in the Orthodox Faith after Divine Liturgy each Sunday throughout the academic year. Below are scenes from the opening excercises held in Church on September 19, 2004, after Divine Liturgy. Also shown are photos of the Sunday School facilities, the students and staff, and the Church Library as well.

Below left and right, the brief service is held in the center of the Church with the Sunday School students gathered around Father David. They hear prayers that they will receive and remember instruction about the Orthodox Faith which will stay with them throughout their lives. A passage from the Gospels is also read.

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Above left, the facial expressions of the children reflect varying thoughts and expectations about what the new academic year will bring. Above right and below left, Father David gives a brief sermon to the children and their parents as the service draws to a close. Below right, the children are blessed with Holy Water.

Above photo shows the outside of the Church Hall which is located directly behind the Church. It is a two-story building with the first floor devoted to facilities for Coffee Hour and other social activities. The second floor houses the Sunday School and the Church Library.

A variety of messages greet students and visitors to the Sunday School (photos above left and below right). Photos above right and below left show several classes about to begin.

Classes are offered for students of all ages from nursery to high school. Above two photos show classes for the younger students in session while the two photos below show wall posters in the classrooms with age-appropriate messages for the younger folk.

In the photo above and the two photos immediately below, one sees wall posters with messages that the older children will come to understand as the basis for the Orthodox Christian Faith.

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The photo below left shows the Sunday School faculty for the 2004-2005 academic year. Standing left to right are Natalka Pavlovsky-Weismantel, Meredith Garretson, Gregory Berezniak, Barbara Horsky, and Natasha Rogozinsky. Seated left to right are Lisa Yasuk and Karen Berezniak. Mrs. Berezniak is the Administrator for the Sunday School. Mrs. Pavlovsky-Weismantel is the Librarian for the Church Library. Below right, Phil Rogozinsky takes advantage of the library's offerings while waiting for his children to complete their Sunday School instruction.

You may click on photos immediately above and the photo lower left to view enlargements.

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SS. Peter and Paul Church is involved not only in internal faith-based education but also in public education in the South River community as well. A month-long drive was conducted by our Church to gather school supplies and funds for disadvantaged elementary school children in the South River public school system. Their number, unfortunately, is not insignificant. In photo below, Father David listens while Mrs. Stephanie Schiebel, who chaired the effort, reported on the successful conclusion of the program and read a thank-you letter to parishoners from the Principal of South River Elementary Schools.

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Copyright © 2004, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ