Church Events

February 19, 2006 - Sunday, February 19, was the day chosen by SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church to honor her Pastor Emeritus and his wife, V. Rev. Sergius and Matushka Faith Kuharsky, on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary and also Father Sergius's 50th Anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood. The two items immediately below are a collection of photo reminiscences from the pastorate of Father Sergius and Matushka Faith at SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church- a pastorate which spanned approximately one quarter of a century.

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In his homily (above) during the Divine Liturgy, Father Sergius recollected the dates of his ordination to the diaconate and priesthood - February 15, 1956 (the Julian observance of the Feast Day of the Presentation of Jesus Christ in the Temple) and March 4, 1956 (the observance of the Sunday of the Prodigal Son, as was February 19, 2006), respectively. Fr. Sergius did not mention that he was graduated from St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary and as well Columbia College of Columbia University, Class of 1952. Before coming to South River, Fr. Kuharsky had also served parishes in Connecticut and Cleveland, Ohio (St. Theodosius Cathedral).

Above left is a photo during the Great Entrance. Left to right in the photo are Rev. David Garretson, Rector of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, Pastor Emeritus, V. Rev. Sergius Kuharsky, and Deacon Jeffrey Smith. In the photo above right and in the five photos which follow, we see scenes from the Molieben, a Service of Thanksgiving, which was offered at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy on behalf of the Kuharskys.

Above left - at the conclusion of the Molieben, Fr. David presented a Gramota to the Kuharskys from His Beatitude, Metropolitan HERMAN. It was granted in recognition of the Kuharkys' 50 years of faithful service to the Orthodox Church. Above right, Fr. Sergius and Matushka Faith listen as Fr. David explains to the parishioners assembled that the icons of St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. Alexander Nevsky on our soon-to-be-installed Iconostasis will be blessed in honor of the Kuharskys and in recognition of their dedicated service to our parish.

Above left and right, the "Many Years!" is sung. Below, the Kuharskys embrace at the conclusion of the Molieben.

Above left, a Special Reception and Coffee Hour were held in the Church Hall after the Divine Liturgy and Molieben. Above right, three choir members (Sandra Saurman and members of the Rella family) served Fr. Kuharsky and the guests.   Many Years!   Mnogaya Lyeta!   to Father Sergius and Matushka Faith for their history of dedicated service to SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church and their continued service to our parish!

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