Centennial Year Church Events
March 6, 2005 - The Junior R Club (FOCA - Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America) hosted a Pancake Breakfast in the Church Hall in the late morning after Divine Liturgy. The New Jersey District of FOCA is asking parishes/chapters to hold fundraising events to help defray travel expenses for those participating in the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) National Basketball Tournament in Minneapolis, Minnesota in May of this year. The goal is to send the youth of our parish to the competition at no cost to them and this breakfast was our contribution toward that goal. The breakfast menu included pancakes, eggs, sausage, potatoes, fruit, juice, muffins, and coffee. Below are scenes from the breakfast. Photos of food are intermingled with photos of food preparers, food servers, and food consumers! The viewer will notice that not every volunteer at the gathering was a Junior R Club member. Many members of the Senior R Club helped out both in the short term today and in the long term as well inasmuch as children learn by example. Everyone had a good time.
Above left and right, Rev. David Garretson addresses the gathering before the breakfast. Below left, Fr. David hands the microphone to Mr. Ken Barron of North Jersey. Below right, Mr. Barron, director of the national basketball competition, spoke briefly to the audience about the competition to take place in May of this year.
You may click on the photo above right to view an enlargement.
Below left, Fr. David leads the gathering in prayer and blesses the food about to be consumed.
The block of four photos below shows parishioners of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church at their tables about to enjoy their breakfast. The event was a sellout, thus helping the children of our parish realize their goal of competing in Minneapolis in May. Good Luck to both our boys and girls as they compete in the spring of this year!
Copyright © 2005, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ