Church Services
December 25, 2005 - SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church celebrated the Feast Day of the Nativity of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ According to the Flesh (icon above) on Sunday, December 25. Below are four sets of photos corresponding to the Divine Liturgy and Vespers on the morning of Nativity Eve, Grand Compline and Matins on Nativity Eve, Divine Liturgy on the Feast Day itself, and Divine Liturgy on the second day of Nativity - the Synaxis of the Most-Holy Theotokos. Interspersed randomly among the photos of the services are scenes of our Church within and without decorated for this festive weekend.   Christ Is Born!   Glorify Him!
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Above - the Church was decorated well in advance with poinsettias and the traditional tree. Below are scenes from the Divine Liturgy and Vespers which were served on the morning of Nativity Eve.
You may click on the photo above left to view an enlargement.
Above right, parishioner and missionary, Gregory Sprogis, adjusts the message board outside the Church after Saturday morning's services to reflect the upcoming schedule for the celebration of the Feast of the Nativity.
Below is a block of photos showing the service of Grand Compline and Matins which was served on Nativity Eve. Assisting Rev. David Garretson, Rector of SS Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, was Pastor Emeritus, V. Rev. Sergius Kuharsky.
You may click on the photo above left to view an enlargement.
Toward the conclusion of the service, parishioners were anointed with Holy Oil by Father David (photos above). The photo below left shows that the evening service was very well attended. Below right, the choir - under the able direction of Choirmaster Basil Kozak - sang the responses to all weekend services beautifully and prayerfully.
You may click on the photo above left to view an enlargement.
Above left, Rev. Garretson ascends the stairs to the choir loft to anoint members of the choir. He pauses until they complete their singing. Below left, Rev. Garretson greets Fr. Michael, Rector of St. Euphrosynia Belarusian Greek Orthodox Church, also located on Whitehead Avenue in South River. Below right - the traditional Christmas Tree in our Church has occupied its customary position for more than fifty years.
Above - Sunday morning, December 25, dawned overcast, rainy, and foggy. The two images immediately above show wreaths which decorated our Church's exterior. The background of each photo mirrors the dreary weather. The colorful wreaths mirrored the warmth of the spirit of the parishioners inside our Church. Below, children lit candles as the Divine Liturgy was about to begin.
Below left, Reader Michael Steffaro reads the Epistle lesson appointed for the day while V. Rev. Sergius Kuharsky censes the parishioners (below right).
You may click on the photo above right to view an enlargement.
Above, Father David and Father Sergius are shown during the Great Entrance. Below left, the Altar Servers are about to receive Holy Communion. Below right and in the three photos which follow, almost all parishioners attending the Divine Liturgy partook of Holy Communion.
You may click on the photo above to view an enlargement.
Above, parishioners venerated the Holy Cross and greeted the clergy at the dismissal. Below left, on Christmas Day - a traditional day for families - the Witkowski family took an opportunity to pose together after Divine Liturgy.
Monday, December 26, was the second day of the Feast of the Nativity - the Synaxis of the Most-Holy Theotokos. Also honored on this day are Joseph the Betrothed (Tetrapod icon in the photo below right), David the King, and James the brother of the Lord. On the day following a major feast in the Orthodox Church, it is traditional to honor those who were directly involved in the feast.
You may click on the photo above left to view an enlargement.
Above left, a trio of choir members - Choirmaster Basil Kozak, Mr. Nicholas Sicko, and Reader Joseph Shaluha - sang the responses to the Divine Liturgy. Above right, Rev. David Garretson is shown in the Sanctuary following his service of the Divine Liturgy. Below are scenes of our Church's interior at the conclusion of Divine Liturgy.
The artistic depiction below of an original digital photograph was purposefully distorted to de-emphasize the commercialism of the Feast Day of the Nativity in this country and to emphasize the true meaning of the Feast to Orthodox Christians - the birth of Jesus Christ.   Christ Is Born!   Glorify Him!
Copyright © 2005, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ