Centennial Year Church Events

July 10, 2005 -   The Men's Club of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church held its Annual Picnic on Sunday afternoon at 7 Acres on Kamm Avenue. Those in attendance included members of the Men's Club and their families, Rev. David Garretson, rector of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, and his family, and invited guests. This photoreport is somewhat unusual because everyone knows what goes on at a picnic and the faces that you will see are all familiar ones. Therefore, with minimal written reporting and a maximal number of photos, the objective of this report became the documentation of all parishioners of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church who attended the picnic. As there aren't too many rules regarding picnics, the Men's Club plans to hold a second picnic in September of this year!

Above left, Rev. Garretson led those assembled in prayer before the meal and then blessed the food at the picnic (above right).

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Copyright © 2005, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ