Church Events
May 26, 2005 - SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church parishioner Kristy Witkowski has just returned from her second missionary trip to Hogar Rafael Ayau orphanage in Guatemala City, Guatemala. In previous years, other members of the Witkowski family have also visited the orphanage to do God's work. Kristy is one of two missionaries representing SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in our Church's Centennial Year. To orient the viewer and to set the stage for Kristy's report, two maps are presented below. Below left is a map of Central America which shows the general location of Guatemala relative to other Central American countries. Below right is a map of Guatemala proper, showing the major cities of the country and, in particular, the central location of Guatemala City in Guatemala. What follows is a photoreport consisting of Kristy's photos accompanied by a narrative text in her own words.
You may click on either map above to view an enlargement.
"Hogar Rafael Ayau in Guatemala City is a home for children run by a group of amazing Orthodox nuns and a dedicated staff. The kids are cute and loving, share everything and are so much fun to play with. They remembered my sisters and mother and me from our past trips. This was the second time I have been to the Hogar, and I hope to return every year. There have been a few changes at the Hogar since the last time that I went two years ago - an addition to the church, some painting was done, and a new priest has arrived from Mexico to minister to the Hogar and the monastery. Father is very kind, is wonderful with the children, and gives great sermons! Ten missionaries (mostly from a church in Wyckoff, N.J.) went, accompanied by a priest."
"We played with the kids all day long - puzzles, board games, soccer, arts and crafts, and even on their antiquated metal jungle gym. We also painted the ceiling and the top walls of their cafeteria. At night we would read them books and make cards or color. The night before we left we gave the kids a surprise pizza party and at the end put on music and danced with them, which they absolutely loved as well. They were laughing a ton and showing off their dance moves. The Hogar is a wonderful place where the children are cared for, loved, and shown how to develop relationships with God. They truly know the importance of God and faith in their lives and provide much joy, love, and inspiration to all those who are blessed enough to visit. Thank you to everyone at SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church for supporting me and the Hogar."
Above left are the girls on the playground - they love to be hugged. Above right, the children are shown after church on Sunday in the park located next to the church.
Above left, a magnificent church is being constructed at the monastery which lies approximately 40 minutes away from the Hogar. Above right, Madre Ivonne (who is in charge and lives at the Hogar) is shown with some of the children at our pizza party.
Above left, on a rainy day we did puzzles and played boardgames with the children. Above right, the "Ninos Medianos" are shown in their pajamas getting ready for bed. The missionaries went to the children's rooms at night to read or to color with the children - "calming activities" as you can see.
Above left, having some fun playing on the monkey bars. Above right, preparing for Communion in church - all of the children receive Communion - the younger children are brought into church for Communion and after Divine Liturgy, the priest and altar boys visit the nursery and the infirmary to bring Communion to the babies and the kids that are sick.
Above left, May, Sophie, and Connie wait with the children for lunch. The tiles behind them are thirds which are donated and sold to generate revenues for the Hogar. Above right, two sisters wait for Divine Liturgy to begin on Wednesday.
Above left, a distant view of the same church under construction that was shown above. Note the mountainous terrain of this part of Guatemala. Above right, Kristy is shown with the children on a school trip to visit a water processing plant. Hogar Rafael Ayau Orphanage is the way to connect to the Website of Hogar Rafael Ayau for those viewers who wish to find out more about the charitable works of this orphanage.
In the photo above, the little ones line up and receive a little piece of bread as a snack.
Copyright © 2005, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ