Centennial Year Church Events

November 20, 2004 - SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church welcomed Peter Jon Gillquist, a student at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood-Tuckahoe, New York, and a singer of contemporary Orthodox music. He spent the day up to Vespers with the high school and college students of our parish and neighboring parishes and after Vespers he gave a concert for our entire parish. In photo below right, Peter Jon examines the bulletin board in our Church Hall before unpacking his instruments.

Immediately below, Mr. Gillquist's guitar cases suggest that he has visited many places. Above right, he has his own Website which lists his tour itinerary, biographical information, and CDs which he has made and are for sale. For those who may be interested, Peter Jon's Website is, appropriately enough, http://www.peterjon.com.

Above and below - by now, the viewer knows that your reporter likes to photograph food and the more colorful the better.

Above left, Peter Jon meets with students before the start of the retreat. Above right - also before the retreat began, he spoke with Rev. David Garretson, left, Pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Church, and with Rev. Michael Medis, right, Pastor of the Orthodox Church of St. Gregory Palamas in Glen Gardner, New Jersey.

Above left - new to your aging reporter was a novel way to meet and get to know people quickly. Students were paired off and enjoined in such a manner as to make disengagement, though theoretically possible three-dimensionally, rather difficult in reality. Above right and below - when more than two individuals were so joined together into a group, even the simplest of activities, such as eating a Dunkin Donut or walking down the street, became a challenge.

Above left, Matushka Shari Garretson of our parish is shown with students before the start of the retreat. Above right, Father David leads the group in prayer before the beginning of the retreat. Below left and right, adult parishoners gather in the kitchen to prepare food and refreshment for the concert later that evening.

Above, Peter Jon Gillquist first met with the students in one of the Sunday School classrooms to review a film and have discussions before he presented his music to the students.

Above, the Rev. Michael Medis of the Orthodox Church of St. Gregory Palamas in Glen Gardner, N.J., stayed the day with us and then celebrated Great Vespers with Litiya on the eve of the Entry of the Most-Holy Theotokos into the Temple. Above right, Peter Jon Gillquist is annointed with Holy Oil by Father Medis at the conclusion of the Vesper service.

Above left, CDs of Mr. Gillquist's music were on display for sale at the evening concert which followed the Vesper service. The remaining photos show varying views of the audience and Mr. Gillquist as he performed in concert.

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Copyright © 2004, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ