Church Events
Toward the end of Divine Liturgy on the morning of Sunday, June 6, 2004, closing prayers and a recognition ceremony were held for those young people of our parish who completed high school, college, and graduate training.
Special prayers are offered by Father David in photo above left, while in photos above right and lower left Father David blesses students and teachers. Members of the choir observe the proceedings from their lofty perspective (photo below right).
The service is concluded by Father David with the singing of "Many Years" for students and teachers (above left). Above right, Chairwoman of the Schemick-Tolls Scholarship Committee - Carol Deerson - announces that this year's winner of the annual scholarship is Jack Witkowski (photo below right). Also recognized for her accomplishment at the morning service was Miss Christin Fornadel (below left) who graduated magna cum laude from Haverford College and has been named a Fulbright Scholar. Christin will continue her studies at the University of Melbourne in Australia.
After the conclusion of the Liturgy, Sunday School students assembled in the Church Hall for a year-end pizza party. Below left, the Lord's Prayer is said and, below right, they enjoy the treats provided.
Copyright © 2002, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ