Church Events
February 17, 2006 - The South River chapter of the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA) held an Open House in the Church Hall of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church on Friday evening, February 17. The event afforded prospective members an opportunity to observe a FOCA business meeting, to ask questions about the organization and its goals, and to socialize over pizza and refreshments. Before we get to the photos a bit of housekeeping is in order regarding the Open House and the local FOCA chapter. Those present at the meeting included, in random order: Janice Meade, Carol and Walter Deerson, Nadya Silva and her daughter, Kim Silva Bell, Marie Mendoker, Dorothy Messeka, Natasha Rogozenski, Joanne Sivess, Reader Joseph Shaluha and his wife, Kyra, Allison and Michael Steffaro and their children, Alexis and Andrew Michael, Barbara Kaminsky and her daughter, Kristy, and John Sopchak. The spiritual advisor of the group - Rev. David Garretson - had intended to appear but was unable for a cause worthy of a blessing.
The officers of the South River FOCA organization are as follows: President Joanne Sivess; Vice-President Wendy Dashkewicz; Secretary Kristy Kaminsky; 2nd Secretary Kyra Shaluha; Treasurer Carol Deerson; Trustee Walter Deerson; Junior R Club Advisor Allison Steffaro, and her husband, Michael, who is Vice-President of FOCA at the national level. So that the reader might get a better understanding of the purposes of the organization, their mission statement is presented below:
We are the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America, an official organization of the Orthodox Church in America, and our mission is to proclaim, share, and reveal our Orthodox Christian Faith through service, fellowship, and example. We strive to accomplish this by:
Studying the tenets of our Faith. Supporting and encouraging Orthodox Youth ministries. Supporting and encouraging missionary growth of our Church. Encouraging and promoting unity among all Orthodox jurisdictions. Establishing practical means for Orthodox Christians to endure lasting friendships on local and national levels through networking. Providing educational, cultural, social, and athletic activities for the people of our Orthodox Faith.
Above left is an overall view of the group as the business meeting began. Above right (left to right) are: Joanne Sivess, Kim Silva Bell, Janice Meade, Alexis Steffaro, Carol Deerson, and Barbara Kaminsky.
Above left, Reader Joseph Shaluha checks his date planner while seated alongside South River chapter secretaries - his wife, Kyra (center), and Kristy Kaminsky. Above right are (left to right): Allison Steffaro, her father, Walter Deerson, Allison's husband and son, Michael and Andrew Michael, respectively, and Natasha Rogozenski.
Above left and right are front and back views, respectively, of Carol Deerson (left in left photo) and Barbara Kaminsky.
Above left - Michael Steffaro, national FOCA Vice-President, addresses the group. Among the items discussed were the upcoming local bowling tournament on March 18 and the national convention in Myrtle Beach on Labor Day weekend. Above right, Mr. Steffaro is shown with his son, Andrew Michael. The elder Steffaro will assume the presidency of the FOCA organization at the national level as per the line of succession in most such organizations.
Above left and right - the Steffaro children, Andrew Michael and Alexis, respectively - entertain themselves as the business meeting progresses.
Above left and below left (left to right): Reader Joseph and Mrs. Shaluha and Kristy Kaminsky each check their datebooks with regard to upcoming events. Above right are (left to right): Allison Deerson, Joanne Sivess, and Kim Silva Bell. In the photo below right are Janice Meade (left) and Carol Deerson.
Above left, Walter Deerson addresses the group as Natasha Rogozenski and Joanne Sivess listen. Walter has been Trustee for the group since 1986. Above right are shown (left to right): Joanne Sivess, Kim Silva Bell, Janice Meade, Carol Deerson, Barbara Kaminsky, Marie Mendoker, and Dorothy Messeka.
Above left, Carol Deerson files her report while Barbara Kaminsky, Marie Mendoker, and Allison Steffaro (standing) listen to her report. Above right, pizza was promised to those who attended the Open House and the promise was delivered! Below left and right, members enjoyed the several different types of pizza which were available. If you have considered serving your Church and want to have a good time in the process, please give serious consideration to becoming a member of the South River chapter of FOCA. Please feel free to speak to any club member to learn more about membership in the Senior R Club. The contact people in this regard are Joanne Sivess [732.238.5767 or] and Allison Steffaro [732.698.1952 or].
Copyright © 2006, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ