Centennial Year Church Events
September 9, 2005 - The Men's Club of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church held its annual Fish Fry in the Church Hall on Friday evening, September 9 - three weeks earlier than last year's gathering. As was the case last year, the weather was perfect, an important factor because food preparation occurred immediately outside the Church Hall. Some 200 people - both parishioners and individuals from the community at large - attended the event. The hard workers of the Men's Club and their helpers made the event both possible and a great success! SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church is the ultimate beneficiary of the event inasmuch as the Men's Club will take the proceeds of the Fish Fry and, in one manner or another, act to benefit our Church.
Above left, the tables were nicely set well in advance of the Fish Fry. Above right, Walter Shaluha - the Men's Club President - and Men's Club members Lou Silva and Paul Boshko pose beneath the sign newly-made for the event just as it was about to begin. Below left, Walter Shaluha and Joe Hartman - the greeting committee - sold tickets to early arrivals. Below right, Peter O'Neill sold chances for the "Basket of Cheer" while keeping an eye on same all evening.
In the photo below right, Men's Club member Ed Boshko (left) was in charge of liquid refreshment for the arriving guests.
Above are photos of some of the items available at the Fish Fry. Below left, just as Santa can't do it all alone in December and is in need of helpers, so too the Men's Club has helpers in the kitchen. Below left, Men's Club member John Kushwara is flanked by Eleanor Boshko, Raya Shaluha, and Deborah Jones (left to right) - all wives of Men's Club members.
Above right and below left, food take-out was a dinner option and here we see Eleanor, Deborah, Ed, and John assembling food platters destined for take-out. Below right, the fish swim one last time alonside french fries, but this time it is in the superheated cooking oil of the vats located just outside the Church Hall.
Above and below are scenes of the fresh fish and the cooking process.
Below left, two gentlemen were hired to do the actual cooking of the fish and fries. Below right, Paul Boshko and Jay Pelleriti took the fish platters into the kitchen for distribution to the dinner guests. Our Church is in the background of this photo.
Above and below are scenes of parishioners assisting in the distribution of the fish platters and the preparation of related food items.
Below left, Men's Club members Gregory Sprogis and Walter Sudnikovich take a break in food distribution to assess the number of guests who had assembled for the Fish Fry. Below right, Men's Club members and food distributors (left to right) are George Cerekwas, Lou Silva, and Walter Sudnikovich.
Above and below, additional scenes of people hard at work to make the event a success!
Below left, the contents of the "Basket of Cheer" which was the door prize for the evening. Below right, there's that O'Neill fellow again in the lobby of the Church Hall! He spent the entire evening there promoting and guarding the "Basket of Cheer". It eventually went to a worthy recipient.
Although not the main attraction, dessert was also part of the Fish Fry and Mary Fritz and Elaine Boshko (above) were put in charge of cutting and distributing the cakes which had been prepared.
Above left, Men's Club member Hank Dziemian distributed coffee to the guests. Above right, Men's Club member Leo Radionoff was the unofficial "greeter" at the entrance to the event. He could been seen greeting both arrivals at the dinner and as well he greeted those who had finished their meal and who were departing the event. Below left, four of our parishioners in the foreground are shown at table enjoying their meal. They are, left to right, Vi Durovich, Marie Mendoker, Nadya Silva, and Dorothy Messeka. Below right, Nadya and Dorothy review some photographs.
In the photo above left, Sonja Harris (center) is flanked by Helen Rosinski (right) and her sister Dorothy (left). Above right, John Kushwara serves coffee to the assembled guests. Last but not least is the interesting photo below. Andrew Michael Steffaro - the youngest fisherman at the event - had just purchased his ticket and needed a temporary spot to store his pacifier. His father, Michael Steffaro - FOCA National Vice-President - had his hands full, as you can see, so the pacifier ended up temporarily in an unusual location. Thanks to Dad for good-naturedly allowing the publication of this photo! The next Fish Fry is now officially less than a year away. See all of you there again next year!
Copyright © 2005, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ