Church Services
April 30, 2006 - SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church observed a Church-to-cemetery procession and Paschal Cemetery Visitation (Provodnoye) on Antipascha - the Sunday after PASCHA. On this day is also commemorated the doubting disciple, St. Thomas. [Editor's Note: For a more detailed description of the traditional observance of Provodnoye, please consult prior topical photoreports which are archived on the Church Photos page].
Above left is a view of the interior of our Church prior to the procession. Note the icons on the center tetrapod and note also that the Royal Doors and Deacon's Doors of the Iconostasis are open and will remain open for the forty day period between PASCHA and Ascension. The cemetery - adorned by parishioners (above right) and adorned by nature (below left) - awaits the arrival of Fr. David Garretson and SS. Peter and Paul parishioners.
Above right - the procession begins to form in front of our Church. The Processional Cross and processional banners are in place, as is the choir, and the procession to the cemetery - the second in as many years - is about to begin.
Above left, the procession passes our Church. It is lead by the Processional Cross which is carried by Starosta James Kornafel. Above right, Fr. David follows the Church Choir in procession up Whitehead Avenue.
Above right and below we see views of Fr. David in procession, with our Church in the distance.
All who participated in the procession walked, save for two - the police escort and the young fellow pictured above left. Above right, members of the Zelanko Family waited to join the procession at the intersection of the Church Rectory. Below left - it was a windy day and strong men struggled to maintain control of the heavy processional banners. Below right, Choirmaster Basil Kozak led the choir in singing during the procession.
Above left - traffic was temporarily obstructed in one direction by the procession but proceeded unimpeded in the other direction, slowed only by the curiosity of onlookers. Above right, the long, narrow, and steep road which leads to the Cross at the top of our cemetery. An interesting photo metaphor for our lives and our path to Salvation.
Above left, the procession proceeds up that long and steep road to the central Cross. Above right, parishioners took the names of our cemetery's reposed for commemoration during the panihida service. Some worked while others had the luxury of sleep! The two photos below show scenes at the central Cross just prior to the start of the panahida service.
Above left, Rev. David Garretson begins the General Panihida. Above right, parishioners follow the progression of the service which commemorates our parish's reposed and proclaims to them that "CHRIST IS RISEN!".
Above are additional scenes taken during the panihida service.
Above left, Choirmaster Kozak led the Church Choir in the singing of the responses to the panihida. Above right - after the conclusion of the panihida - parishioners Kyra Shaluha, Reader Joseph Shaluha, and Barbara Kaminsky (left to right) sold food to parishioners as they waited for Fr. David to visit their loved ones' gravesites.
In the photos above, Rev. Garretson blesses graves with Holy Water and proclaims "CHRIST IS RISEN!". Below left, he greets family members present at each gravesite.
Above right, a visitor lit candles in anticipation of the arrival of Fr. David. This same gentleman had also brought two icons - one dedicated to the Most-Holy Theotokos (left) and the other of the New Testament Trinity - to have at the site where his loved ones repose. Below, the cemetery marker at the foot of our cemetery's central Cross is adorned with an egg - the traditional symbol of Christ's Resurrection - and with flowers.
Copyright © 2006, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ