Centennial Year Church Events

March 12, 2005 - The New Jersey District FOCA (Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America) held a bowling outing on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. While the event was not on the list of official events for SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church's Centennial Year and was not sponsored by the South River R Club (FOCA), nonetheless it occurred during our Centennial at AMF Mid State Lanes in East Brunswick, N.J. - a venue closer to our Church than any other OCA Church. All were invited - both FOCA members and non-members alike - and many of our parishioners took the opportunity to join in the festivities. Below we get a chance to see if anyone rolled a perfect game!

Above left, there was a show of hands to indicate the number of people who would be bowling. Above right, after a few warmup tosses, it was off to the races!

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SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church was well represented at the event as the group photos above and below left show.

You may click on the two photos immediately above and the photo below left to view enlargements.

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Above right, Rev. David Garretson shares a lighter moment with Joe Shaluha (left) and Michael Steffaro (right), President-Elect of the FOCA. In the five photos immediately below, our parishioners show their very best bowling form!

Above right, the "X" on the overhead monitor indicates a strike deserving of a series of "high-fives"! Below left, a little bit of instruction in technique behind the foul line. Below right, making certain that the scores are absolutely and positively correct!

Immediately above, the children had a good time participating in the event as well. Below left, about 60 feet and six inches to go! Below right, about 61 feet until the pins begin to fall!

Below left and right, notice the gutter guards for the children - the equivalent of bicycle training wheels for the sport of bowling. As long as the children can throw, push, roll, or shove the ball to the area of the pins, they are guaranteed knocking down at least one pin on the first roll of each frame!

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Copyright © 2005, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ