Centennial Year Church Events

February 26, 2005 - A Centennial Celebration Blini Cabaret, co-sponsored by the Altar Society, the Annunciation Sisterhood, and the Senior "R" Club of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in South River, N.J., was held in the Church Hall at 7:00 p.m., immediately after Vespers. For the record, The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (of all sources!), defines the word "blini" - of Russian origin - as "a small light pancake served with melted butter, sour cream, and other garnishes such as caviar". The event took place during one of the few fast-free weeks (the week following the Gospel reading of the Publican and the Pharisee - designated as fast free to remind us not to be pharisaical in our fasting) of the Orthodox Church calendar. Coming as it does approximately two weeks before the beginning of Great Lent, the Blini Cabaret may be thought of as a pre-Lenten festive occasion vaguely similar to Mardi Gras as observed in the Western Church. Below, the event in words and photos.

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Above, the evening began at 6:00 p.m. with Great Vespers with Litiya. The days are lengthening at this time of year and our Church was still visible by daylight before Vespers began. By the time Vespers was concluded and the Blini Cabaret was to begin, night had clearly settled in.

You may click on any of the four photos above to view an enlargement.

As one can see above, preparations for the event began in the Church Hall kitchen long before the 7:00 p.m. start of the event. Above and below you get to see many of the hard-working parishioners who labor behind the scenes and without whom such events would not be possible. In photos below, the tables were nicely decorated in advance and were strategically placed toward the rear of the hall so that there be a space devoted to dancing after the dinner.

Above left, the blini pancakes were being heated while, above right, cheesecake slices sat patiently waiting for the dessert portion of the meal.

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Above left, the welcoming committee in the Church Hall lobby greeted visitors and sold chances for prizes. Above right, Father David Garretson led those assembled in prayer before the meal. Below left, the adults were busy at work in the kitchen while, below right, the children of the parish were the primary servers of meals for the evening.

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Wide-angle photos immediately above show the well-attended event (left) and parishioners (right) enjoying their meal.

You may click on either image immediately above to view an enlargement.

Above left and right, the children ate their meals after all others had been served. Below left, the silverware was cleaned anonymously. Below right, the entertainment for the evening - an accordion player accompanied by two singers - prepares for the after-dinner portion of the event.

Look carefully at the photo above and you will note the efficiency of the pouring process. Ice clinging to the bottom of the bottle cools the vodka as it is being poured so there is no down time in the cooling process whether the bottle is vertical or horizontal!

Above, as parishioners completed their meals, one brave couple took to the dance floor. They danced the first four or so dances alone in a performance reminiscent of the movie "Shall We Dance?". Shortly thereafter, below, others joined the couple in dance at this final celebration before the beginning of Great Lent.

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Copyright © 2005, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ