Centennial Year Church Services
November 12, 2005 - Vespers - the service which is celebrated at the end of the day wherein we express our gratitude to God for the day just passed - was a special service this weekend inasmuch as His Beatitude HERMAN, Archbishop of Washington and New York, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, was present at all services marking the conclusion of our Centennial Year observance at SS. Peter and Paul Church in South River, N.J. November 13th being the day on which St. John Chrysostom is commemorated, the service this evening was Great Vespers with Litiya - that is, Great Vespers with the Petitions of Fervent Devotion. Below are scenes from the service with Metropolitan HERMAN as well as scenes from the reception in the Church Hall which was held afterward in his honor.
Immediately above is a photo of our Church on November 13, 2004 - the evening which marked the beginning of our Centennial Year observance. Below left is a photo of our Church as it appeared moments before Metropolitan HERMAN was to arrive. Below right, parishioner Janet Hartman lights a candle in the center of our Church moments before the service is to begin.
Metropolitan HERMAN is known to be a punctual individual and tonight is no different. Above left, he is shown entering SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church for the first time for the evening service. Above right, Rev. David F. Garretson, Rector of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, greets Metropolitan HERMAN before the Ambo with the Holy Cross.
A little explanation about the service and the role of the bishop is in order. The bishop does not celebrate the general Vesper service per se. That role falls to a single priest even when more than one priest or bishop is present. In this instance, the Vespers service was performed by Father David. However, since tonight the service performed is Great Vespers with Litiya, the viewer will see Metropolitan HERMAN participate in the latter portion of the service - the Litiya with the blessing of the bread,wheat, wine, and oil. The elevated section in front of the Iconostasis is called the solea. At the end of the solea is a special area referred to as the cliros. The bishop's chair, or cathedra, normally found at the High Place in the Sanctuary, is positioned on the cliros for the bishop. In front of the cathedra is a circular rug known as the orlets. This rug on which the bishop stands has an image of an eagle flying over a city, symbolizing that the bishop should soar from earthly things to heavenly things much like an eagle. Likewise, as an eagle can see clearly over distances, so must a bishop oversee all parts of his diocese. These rugs are placed wherever the bishop will be standing or sitting. Thus Metropolitan HERMAN spent the first portion of the evening service in front of that part of the Iconostasis devoted to icons of our Church's Patrons - SS. Peter and Paul. Above right, the Metropolitan is shown reading from a prayer book held by Subdeacon Peter Ilchuk. In the photo above left, Rev. Garretson censes the faithful while attended by Archdeacon Alexei Klimitchev (holding taper), the Archdeacon who travels with Metropolitan HERMAN. Below left, Archdeacon Klimitchev censes the faithful. Below right, the choir of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church sang the responses beautifully and prayerfully under the direction of Choirmaster Basil Kozak.
Above, Metropolitan HERMAN stands before the icons of St. Peter and St. Paul. In the three photos below, he emerges from the Sanctuary to participate in the Litiya portion of the service which is conducted in the center of our Church. Notice the outer garment that the Metropolitan is wearing, called the Bishop's Mantle. Unlike the monastic Mantle, the Bishop's Mantle is not black but rather of some color, in this case light blue. Upon it are sewn the "Tables of the Law" and, in particular, the "Fountains". The Tables - squares of velvet at neck and foot - typify the Old and the New Testament, whence the ministers of God should draw their doctrine. The "Fountains" are ribbons, usually red and white in hue, sewn horizontally round the Mantle. They represent the streams of teaching which flow from the mouth of the Bishop. Small bells are attached to the Mantle of a Bishop, and to his Dalmatic, as to the upper robe of the High Priest of the Jews. Look carefully to see that, on the lower Tables of his garment, the capital letters "M" and "H" are inscribed. They stand for "Metropolitan HERMAN".
Above, Archdeacon Alexei intones, "Furthermore we pray for the Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church in America; for our Metropolitan HERMAN; and for all our brethern in Christ; and for every Christian soul that is afflicted and weary in well-doing, in need of God's mercies and succour..." Below right, parishioners hear the prayers of the service. The icon on the center Tetrapod is that of St. John Chrysostom who is commemorated on this new day.
The bread, wheat, wine, and oil are blessed at the center Tetrapod on Great Feasts. Above left and right, Metropolitan HERMAN intones the following prayer, "O Lord Jesus Christ our God, who didst bless the five loaves and didst therewith feed the five thousand: Do thou, the same Lord, bless these loaves, wheat, wine, and oil; and multiply them in this holy habitation, and in all the world; and sanctify all the faithful who shall partake of them. For it is thou, O Christ our God, who dost bless and sanctify all things; and unto thee we ascribe glory, with thy Father which hath no beginning, and thine all-holy, good, and life-creating Spirit, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages."
Above, as the service draws to a close, the Metropolitan ascends the Ambo (above right) and bestows his blessing upon the parishioners (below left). On this evening, parishioners are anointed with Holy Oil as they depart Church for home. When a priest is the only cleric present, he will typically anoint himself with oil and then anoint his parishioners. In this instance (below right and the photos which follow), we see Metropolitan HERMAN anoint himself with Holy Oil. He will then proceed to first anoint the priests and archdeacon present whereupon he will then anoint the faithful.
Above right, Metropolitan HERMAN anoints Pastor Emeritus, V. Rev. Sergius S. Kuharsky. In photo below, left to right, are Metropolitan HERMAN, Rev. David Garretson, and Subdeacon Gregory Sulich.
Clockwise in the block of photos directly above and below - four parishioners are anointed with Holy Oil by Metropolitan HERMAN. Above left is parishioner James Sopchak who would the next day participate in the photographic recording of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy; above right is Rebecca Kozak who is one of the co-chairwomen of the Centennial Anniversary Year Celebration; below right is Centennial Anniversary Year co-chairwoman, Sandra Saurman; below left is Rebecca's husband, Choirmaster Basil Kozak.
Below left, Choirmaster Basil Kozak leads the choir in the singing of the dismissal as (above and below right) Metropolitan HERMAN departs the Sanctuary for the evening and bestows his blessing upon the faithful at the conclusion of the service.
Above left, Metropolitan HERMAN venerates the icon of St. John Chrysostom on the center Tetrapod. Above right, the trip to the Church School is short and the evening is unusually mild, nonetheless, Metropolitan HERMAN dons his outer garment before departing.
Metropolitan HERMAN attended a reception in his honor held after Vespers in the Church Hall - the site where the original Church of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church once stood. Above left, His Beatitude, accompanied by parishioner Janice Meade, looks over historical memorabilia and photos from our Church's One Hundred Years. These displays were part of an afternoon Centennial Open House (please see photoreport of the same name).
Above left, Metropolitan HERMAN looks over the testament to our past, accompanied by parishioner Carol Deerson. Below right, he chats with Mrs. Marion Sharpe (left) and Matushka Faith Kuharsky.
Above left, Mrs. Sharpe is the daughter of one of the former Rectors of our parish, V. Rev. Emilian Skuby. Above right are some of the foodstuffs which await the arriving guests. More photos to come along this line. Below left, Metropolitan HERMAN leads those assembled in prayer before the meal. Below right, Metropolitan HERMAN chats with Pastor Emeritus of our parish, V. Rev. Sergius S. Kuharsky.
Above right, guests avail themselves of the goodies at the buffet-style reception. Above left and below right and left - the women parishioners of our Church who made the evening a great success! The quality and quantity of food exceeded expectations and were befitting a One Hundredth Anniversary celebration!
You may click on the photo above right to view an enlargement.
Above and below - the reception was held several days before the Nativity Fast. No one could resist the spread and your reporter could not resist recording same.
Above left - the five clergy (facing camera) who participated in the service of Vespers are shown at table at the reception. Left to right are: V. Rev. Maryon Chaykivsky, Acting Rector of St. Spiridon Orthodox Church in Perth Amboy, New Jersey; Rev. David F. Garretson; V. Rev. Sergius S. Kuharsky; His Beatitude, the Most-Blessed HERMAN; and Archdeacon Alexei Klimitchev. Below, an overview of the reception gathering.
Copyright © 2005, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ