Centennial Year Church Services
November 13, 2005 - This photoreport is a continuation of "Centennial Hierarchical Divine Liturgy (2)" which covers the Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Beatitude HERMAN, Archbishop of Washington and New York, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, as part of the concluding observances of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church's Centennial Year celebration. This is the third and final installment of the photoreports which cover the Centennial Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Thanks to James Sopchak for his photo contribution to this and the preceding two photoreports covering the Divine Liturgy. Without his help these photoreports would have been less complete. We resume our coverage below with the Consecration of the Holy Gifts.
Archdeacon Klimitchev (above left) raises the Holy Paten and the Holy Chalice: "Thine own, of thine own, we offer unto thee, in behalf of all, and for all." Metropolitan HERMAN is the first cleric to commune after the Lord's Prayer (below left). Afterward, the priests commune. Above right, Rev. David Garretson approaches the Holy Chalice. Below right, Metropolitan HERMAN and V. Rev. Sergius Kuharsky listen as the post-Communion prayers are read.
Above left, the Altar Servers approach Metropolitan HERMAN at the High Place to receive his blessing as the Divine Liturgy proceeds to completion. Above right, the Processional Cross and Banners are readied outside the front entrance to our Church in anticipation of a Church Procession.
Above and below are scenes from the procession. It is one circuit in length and Metropolitan HERMAN blesses each face of the Church with Holy Water as the procession progresses.
The procession was stopped on the eastern side of our Church for group photos. Above left is a photo of the clergy and Altar Servers while the children of the parish joined the group for the photo above right. Below left is a group photo of all faithful who were present at the Divine Liturgy on the joyous occasion of our Church's One Hundredth Anniversary. The procession was completed at the front entrance to our Church. Metropolitan HERMAN prepares to read a passage from the Book of Holy Gospels (below right).
You may click on the photo above left to view an enlargement.
Above left, Subdeacon Peter Ilchuk holds Metropolitan HERMAN's mitre as His Beatitude reads from the Book of Holy Gospels. Above right, Protopresbyter Robert S. Kodratick holds the Book of Holy Gospels as Metropolitan HERMAN reads from it.
Above, Vladyka HERMAN then blesses the faithful with Holy Water. Below right, Metropolitan HERMAN reenters the Church to present Hierarchical Gramotas (Awards of Recognition from the Metropolitan for outstanding service to the Church). There were five recipients of Hierarchical Gramotas this day for extended and exemplary service to SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church. They were as follows: Rev. David F. Garretson, Rector of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, parishioners Veronica Burak, her husband Michael, Raya Shaluha, and her husband Walter. Church President (Starosta) James P. Kornafel received a Synodal Gramota from Metropolitan HERMAN on behalf of the entire parish. The Synodal Gramota was a citation signed by all of the Hierarchs of the Synod of Bishops of the Orthodox Church in America and is the highest honor that is bestowed by the Orthodox Church in America. Below right, Hierarchical Gramota recipient, Rev. Garretson, and Synodal Gramota recipient, James Kornafel, listen as Metropolitan HERMAN reads the citation upon Rev. Garretson's Hierarchical Gramota.
Above left, Rev. Garretson embraces Metropolitan HERMAN as he receives his Hierarchical Gramota. Above right - clearly moved, it took several moments for Rev. Garretson to come by his words of appreciation.
Above left - Veronica Burak, Michael Burak, Walter Shaluha, and Raya Shaluha (left to right) listen as Vladyka HERMAN reads the citations explaining the cause for which they received the high honor of a Hierarchical Gramota. Above right, Michael Burak embraces the Metropolitan as he receives his award. Below right - Raya Shaluha does likewise. Below right - Choirmaster Basil Kozak was also given deserved recognition for his years of faithful and dedicated service to our Church as her Choirmaster.
You may click on the photo above left to view an enlargement.
Above left, a photo of the entire Church just before the singing of "Many Years" for all clergy and faithful. Above right, Metropolitan HERMAN blesses the faithful with the Holy Cross while the choir sings "Many Years". Below, faithful venerate the Holy Cross and greet His Beatitude at the dismissal.
Copyright © 2005, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ