Church Events
August 16, 2004 - South River parishoner Mr. Gregory Sprogis has recently returned from missionary work in the country of Guatemala. Below are his photos and words describing what he saw and did while visiting Guatemala for the first time: "I have been blessed and privileged to recently return from visiting Hogar Rafael Ayau Monastery, located in Guatemala City, Guatemala. I have passed three weeks working with the orphans there, who live their lives as true Orthodox Christians. There is much that we can learn from their example, the way they live their lives, and how they are at peace despite having so little. While there, I have been witness to much, which has changed my life in a profound way."
You may click on the two photos immediately below to view enlarged versions.
"The photo (above left) is of our team, comprised of sixteen members from all over the United States and also one member from Canada. We were lead by Father John Schmidt of Indianapolis. This photo was taken in St. Augustine, Florida, where we spent several days in orientation and preparation for our trip. The photos (above right and below left) are of the church located at the Hogar, where we attended Matins and Vespers each day with the children, as well as Divine Liturgy on Wednesdays and Sundays."
"During our three weeks with the beautiful children of the Hogar Rafael Ayau we were responsible for the all day summer camp program implemented by Madre Ivonne, coordinator of the Hogar Rafael Ayau. We were each assigned five children who were best friends and siblings, ages 4 through 16 (above right and below left)."
"Father Emanuel (above right), who is the only Orthodox priest in all of Guatemala, was actually supported, in part, by our Parish, while he was attending seminary at St. Tikhon's. Father Emanuel lives with the older boys, located at a separate facility known as the Hogar San Miguel. The older boys go there once they turn fourteen. Below are photos of several of the older boys at the Hogar San Miguel."
"We were also blessed to visit the Orthodox Monastery Lava Mambre, led by Abbess Mother Ines (above right). Mother Ines is a former Roman Catholic nun, who in April, 1986, because of her strong desire for a traditional monastic way of life, brought herself to leave the Roman Catholic Church. In 1987, she visited Jerusalem,where she had a deep experience of the Christian faith, learned about Orthodox Monasticism, and discerned what and where her future monastic life would continue; in Guatemala, even if there was no Orthodox presence there previously. At the Monastery the nuns spend their time doing the church services, translating, making prayer ropes, mounting icons, cleaning, cooking, gardening, beekeeping, and resting. They also oversee the construction of the new monastery (photo below)."
"The above icons, which we were lucky enough to see assembled, are made completely from tile and will adorn the walls of the monastery after its completion. The construction of the monastery should be finished in roughly one more year."
"Most of our time at the Hogar, we interacted with the children. Combined groups of missionaries and their kids participated in activities such as swimming, arts and crafts, game room, and computers. We also helped the nuns with some smaller projects as well. We were mainly there to show the children love and support, and to be a good Orthodox example to them."
"Going on this mission has definitely put whole different perspective in my life. After seeing and experiencing what I have, has put a new peace and tranquility in me. The children's lives, in harmony with God, are in many ways an example to us all. Their lives are truly rich spiritually. We came to Guatemala to show love and to give blessings, but we all were blessed so much in return."
Copyright © 2004, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ