Centennial Year Church Events

"Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you; that your days may be prolonged, and that it may go well with you, in the land which the Lord your God gives you." (Deuteronomy 5:16)

"Honor your father and mother" (this is the first commandment with a promise), "that it may be well with you and that you may live long on the earth." (Ephesians 6:2)

September 18, 2005 - The Junior R Club (FOCA) of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church sponsored a Centennial Anniversary Senior Citizen Appreciation Brunch in the Church Hall after Divine Liturgy on Sunday morning, September 18. The loosely-set lower age limit for attending the event was 65 years young. There was no upper age limit. However, as Rev. David Garretson, Rector of our Church, pointed out at the Divine Liturgy, the intent of the celebration was to honor not the longevity of years of these individuals but rather to honor their longevity of faith and dedication to their Church and to one another. Below are scenes from that event.

For the most part, the tables were nicely set well in advance of the celebration (above). Below, a few last minute touches are applied to the tables before the guests arrive.

Above right and below left, parents of Junior R Club members began their work in the kitchen hours before the brunch began. The adults not only helped the children in their work, but by so doing, set an example of finding purpose in service to others. Below right is a photo of the well-attended gathering.

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You may click on the photo above right to view an enlargement.

Above left, Pastor Emeritus, V. Rev. Sergius Kuharsky, led those assembled in an opening prayer before the meal began. Above right, Mrs. Allison Steffaro, the administrator of the Junior R Club, made some opening remarks in greeting to the guests as they were about to begin their meal. The following six photos show an aerial wide angle view of some of the senior citizens who were in attendance at the brunch.

Below left, Junior R Club members began serving the guests. Below right, Rev. David Garretson had returned from missionary work in the South for the victims of Hurricane Katrina to be with the senior citizens of his parish on this day.

In the photos above and below, workers aplenty prepare and distribute the food to the guests.

Photo below left shows Fr. David at table with some of the guests. Below right, Carol Deerson reviews an old photo with Fr. Sergius and Matushka Faith Kuharsky.

Above, everyone having been served, Matushka Shari Garretson shares a table and a meal with the Junior R Club members.

Above left, Mrs. Allison Steffaro and Meredith Garretson check in with guests Mary Fritz, Elaine Boshko, and Ed Boshko to see that they are enjoying themselves at the brunch. Below left, the children of the parish, assisted by Choirmaster Basil Kozak on guitar, serenaded an appreciative audience (below right).

Above right, Basil Kozak compares notes with Philip Rogozenski before group singing began. Mr. Rogozenski provided the accompaniment with his electric keyboard (below right) and Mr. Kozak led those assembled in singing old time favorites.

The smiles on the guests' faces said it all - everyone present had a great time at this Centennial Event!

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Copyright © 2005, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ