Centennial Year Church Services

May 1, 2005 -   Holy Pascha - the Feast of Feasts - the Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was observed with the service of Paschal Vespers in the afternoon at SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church during her Centennial Year. Below are scenes from the Paschal Vesper service and Church Procession.   Christ is Risen!   Indeed He is Risen!

Above and below left - scenes from the Paschal Vesper service. Below right, Kathryn Kornafel, Henry Dziemian, and Karen Berezniak (left to right) hold the Icon of the Resurrection, the Book of Holy Gospels, and the Artos, respectively, in anticipation of the procession thrice around the Church.

Above left, Church President James Kornafel carries the processional Cross. Above right, Choirmaster Basil Kozak leads the choir behind the processional banners.

Above left, choir members sang the responses during the procession under the direction of Mr. Kozak. Above right, Rev. David Garretson reads one of four Gospel passages at each side of the Church. In the process of making three circuits around the temple, four stops are made during which a Gospel passage is read. The following block of fifteen photos shows various scenes from the procession.

After the reading of each Gospel passage, Fr. David blesses those assembled with Holy Water (photos above).

Above left, the empty Tomb of Jesus Christ is adorned with flowers. Above right, upon the center Tetrapod are the Icon of the Resurrection and the bread known as Artos which was blessed at the conclusion of the Paschal Divine Liturgy. Below left, Choirmaster Basil Kozak and Church President James Kornafel smile for the camera after a very busy week of service to the Church during Holy Week and the first day of Pascha. Below right, the Royal Doors and the side doors of the Iconostasis remain open until Ascension Day which occurs forty days after Pascha.

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