Church Events

October 9, 2004 - On a Fall Saturday evening after Vespers, the South River R Club (Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America) held its annual Oktoberfest Event in the Church Hall located behind SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church (photo above).

In the photos above, the large gathering, comprised of both parishoners and visitors, listened to Father David's opening remarks, both in English and German as befitted the occasion, before the meal. He reminded those present that their presence at the event was supporting the restoration of the chandelier in our Church inasmuch as the Senior R Club is underwriting its refurbishment. Father David then led those assembled in the Lord's Prayer before they sat down to eat.

In the photos above are some of the R Club women who were involved in the preparation of the food. In the photos below, sausage sat next to apple struedel at the dinner.

The block of four photos below shows R Club members and guests as the food was distributed.

Above and below, one sees the gathering as the dinner progressed.

A band (above) provided music for most of the night which made for festive dancing (below). Food and drink and fellowship and dancing combined to make this an enjoyable evening for everyone who attended! All in all, a pleasant way to spend a Saturday evening.

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Copyright © 2004, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ