Centennial Year Church Events

November 12, 2005 - SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church sponsored a Centennial Anniversary Open House in the Church Hall on the afternoon of November 12, 2005. This day was the first day of the weekend which marked the culmination of our Centennial Year Anniversary. The Open House was held in anticipation of the arrival for Vespers of His Beatitude HERMAN, Archbishop of Washington and New York, Metropolitan of All America and Canada. On display were photographs from our 100 year history, memorabilia of all types, and Church service and choir music books from years gone by. The display was an exposition of the way that we - the parishioners of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church - believed, worshipped, and conducted our daily lives over the last century. The Open House really did triple duty, for the items were on display for the entire afternoon on Saturday, during the reception for Metropolitan HERMAN after Vespers on Saturday evening, and during the Centennial Coffee Hour after Divine Liturgy on Sunday. Considerable effort was expended much in advance in terms of the gathering of photos, books, and memorabilia, as well as in terms of their arrangement and display in the Church Hall. The Open House was chaired by Anastasia Essl with considerable help from Janet Hartman. No assembly of 100 years of material can be accomplished by two people alone. Many parishioners of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church in South River, N.J., contributed in a multitude of ways to make this "look back at our past" a genuine success!

Above and below, the tables were nicely set in advance in anticipation of Saturday evening's reception for Metropolitan HERMAN. The Open House display was situated along both north-south walls of the Church Hall as well as on the stage of the Church Hall. At the center of the stage was positioned an icon of our Patrons - SS. Peter and Paul - which was surrounded by a beautiful display of flowers.

Above left, Open House Chairwoman, Anastasia Essl, checks some last-minute photo entries while Janet Hartman (above right) makes certain that everything is "just so".

Above left, an ornately decorated cake was in the ready for the evening reception. Above right, a closer view of the Patronal Icon at the center of the Church Hall stage. Below left, a traditional tea service. Below right, an elaborately decorated apron.

Photographic records (above left and right; below left) of weddings, Church services, and functions were on display as were other reminders of our ethnic heritage, for example, the beautiful china service pictured below right.

Above, a commemorative plate - issued on the occasion of our Church's Golden (50th) Anniversary - was on display. Below left were photos of clergy and the interior of our Church on Good Friday many years ago. Below right were photos from the early years, including a sketch of our first Church.

Also on display above and below were historical Church Service books and music books used by earlier Church choirs. Texts were in both English and in Church Slavonic, the official liturgical language of our forefathers. Below right, parishioners Kristen and John Berezniak look over some of the early Church Service books.

The Orthodox peoples of South River and environs also liked to have fun and on stage (above left and right) we see photo montages of people having fun in earlier times.

Above left and below, the women of the parish are already at work in the kitchen preparing for the reception for Metropolitan HERMAN later that evening.

Above left, parishioners check out a variety of interesting historical displays. Above right, parishioner Emily Szestakowski examines the photos of Wedding Services which were celebrated in our Church during the last century. Below, Church President (Starosta) James Kornafel paused in his examination of the display to pose for this photo with Anastasia Essl.

Above are closer views of historical Church music and text that were on display. Below, up-close views of some of the wedding parties whose unions were celebrated before God in SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church.

Below left, a newspaper article from the past discusses the Orthodox celebration of Christ's Resurrection. Shown in the photo is Pastor Emeritus, V. Rev. Sergius S. Kuharsky. Below right, photos of the blessing of Paschal food, fruit, and flowers which are a traditional part of our Holy Day observances (Pascha, Holy Transfiguration, and the Falling-Asleep of the Theotokos, respectively).

SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church was also open for visitation. Above is the stained-glass window of our Patron Saints - Peter and Paul - in the choir loft. Below left, festive ballons and our Centennial Banner greeted visitors at the street entrance to our Church. Below right, welcoming brochures were positioned at the entrance to our Church. The trained eye also sees preparation in place for a Hierarchical visitation later that evening.

The interior of our Church was recently cleaned and painted as necessary in anticipation of the conclusion of our Centennial Year Anniversary. Above left, the newly cleaned and painted ceiling beneath the main dome of our Church. Above right, new processional fans flank the processional Cross behind the Altar in the Sanctuary.

Above left, Starosta Kornafel places the Tetrapod icon of St. John Chrysostom (above right). St. John Chrysostom was the author of one of the Divine Liturgies of the Orthodox Church and he is commemorated on November 13 - the ultimate day of our Centennial Celebration. Below, the light of the setting sun streams through stained glass windows and pours onto the mural of Jesus Christ with his disciples as depicted on the western wall of our Church. As the sun sets, the new Church day begins at 6:00 p.m. The beginning of the new day is observed with the service of Vespers at 6:00 p.m. or shortly thereafter. On this particular evening, Vespers will be served with the First Hierarch of the Orthodox Church in America - His Beatitude, the Most-Blessed HERMAN, Archbishop of Washington and New York, Metropolitan of All America and Canada.

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Copyright © 2005, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ