Centennial Year Church Events

March 19, 2005 - On the morning of the first Saturday in Great Lent, members of the St. Anne's Guild met in the Church Hall, as they did last year, to create Easter Baskets for the Pediatric Unit of Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune, N.J. The event was chaired by Mrs. Lisa Yasuk (immediately left of center in photo below) and it appears that it will become an annual act of charity. Last year, this program of outreach was very well received and 48 baskets were given out to sick children and their siblings. Great Lent is a time for many things, including increased charity, and the parishioners who turned out for this event and whom you will see below, demonstrated that virtue.

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The photo above shows the members of the St. Anne's Guild with their children and Father David Garretson.

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Above left, Fr. David leads the group in the Lord's Prayer before the event. Above right, he shows Mrs. Karen Berezniak the icon cards which will be placed in the Easter baskets.

Above and below, workers conscientiously assemble the baskets.

Below left, those too young to work on the creation of the Easter baskets occupied themselves with other activities.

Above right, the completed Easter baskets sit awaiting a blessing by Fr. David after Divine Liturgy on the following day. Below, in addition to an icon card placed in each basket, a "business type" card from the St. Anne's Guild was attached to each basket. It carried the inscription "Compliments of St. Anne's Guild".

In the photo above, Rev. David Garretson blesses the Easter baskets after Divine Liturgy on the Sunday of Orthodoxy as Mrs. Lisa Yasuk looks on. The baskets were then taken to the hospital for distribution.

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Copyright © 2005, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ