Centennial Year Church Events

March 20, 2005 -   On the first Sunday of Great Lent - the Sunday of Orthodoxy - a Communion Breakfast was held in the Church Hall after Divine Liturgy for the children of the parish who had partaken of the Sacrament of Holy Confession on Saturday and had received the Sacrament of Holy Communion this morning. The Communion Breakfast was sponsored by the St. Anne's Guild.

Baptized Orthodox Christians from birth to age seven years may partake of Holy Communion freely without individual Confession. However, from age seven years onward, the Orthodox Church believes that children can discern right from wrong and, as such, they are to make an accounting before God through individual Confession. From that point onward, Holy Communion is no longer received freely unless preceded by particular or general Confession. Five young individuals were so distinguished this weekend by having made their first particular Confession. All five received prayer books from Rev. David Garretson at the conclusion of Divine Liturgy. Two of these children are shown receiving their prayer books from Fr. David in the photos above.

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Above left, Rev. David Garretson led those assembled in prayer before all sat down to eat. Above right, the newly-acquired round tables in the Church Hall make for easier socialization.

You may click on the photo above left to view an enlargement.

Above and below, the camera lens gravitates toward color be it Easter eggs, flowers, Easter baskets, or food! As one sees, the breakfast was certainly a colorful event. Cereals, breads, fruit, salmon, juices, and coffee were available for consumption. It is indeed possible to have a pleasant meal without meats of any kind.

The Communion Breakfast was billed as an event for children so they were fed first (above). Nonetheless, everyone was invited and no one was turned away. Adults were fed (below) after the children had been served. All in all, a nice way to honor the children of our parish on a day of significance for them!

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Copyright © 2005, Saints Peter and Paul Orthodox Church, South River, NJ