Centennial Year Church Services

November 13, 2005 - This photoreport is a continuation of "Centennial Hierarchical Liturgy (1)" which covers the Divine Liturgy celebrated by His Beatitude HERMAN, Archbishop of Washington and New York, Metropolitan of All America and Canada, as part of the concluding observances of SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church's Centennial Year celebration. This portion is the second of three parts. Thanks to James Sopchak for his photo contributions to all three photo pages. Without his help, these reports would have been less complete. This portion of the photoreport covers the portion of the Divine Liturgy from the completion of the Little Entrance to the period just before the Consecration of the Holy Gifts.

Above left, the Archdeacon raises the Book of Holy Gospels as the clerics begin to sing: "O come, let us worship and fall down before Christ. Save, O Son of God, who didst rise again from the dead, us who sing unto thee: Alleluia." As they sing, the clerics proceed to the Sanctuary for the remainder of the Divine Liturgy.

(Above left and right) - Upon entering the Sanctuary, Metropolitan HERMAN then proceeds to cense the Altar Table and the entire Sanctuary. After censing the Iconostasis, he then censes the faithful of the parish (below left). Below right, Mr. John Mindala of the OCA Communications Department records the Centennial Weekend services for the Website of the Orthodox Church in America.

Above left, Metropolitan HERMAN reads the prayers of a Bishop as the Divine Liturgy proceeds. Above right, the children of our parish sang well some of the responses to the Liturgy.

Above right and below left, Metropolitan HERMAN intones, "Look down from heaven, O God, and behold and visit this vine which thou hast planted with thy right hand, and establish it."

Above right, Metropolitan HERMAN proceeds to the High Place as the choir completes the singing of the Trisagion Hymn:"O Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal One, have mercy upon us." Below left, Reader Joseph Shaluha approaches Metropolitan HERMAN for his blessing before Joseph reads the Epistle.

Above right, all of the clerics sit at the High Place in the Sanctuary as Reader Shaluha proclaims the Epistle (below).

Above left, the personal prayer/service book of His Beatitude with his name inscribed thereon. Above right, Archdeacon Klimitchev awaits the censing of the Iconostasis and the faithful until after the Epistle reading has been completed.

Above left, Archdeacon Klimitchev carries the Holy Book of Gospels to the lecturn placed in the center of our Church. Above right, the Archdeacon intones the Gospel reading appointed for the day.

Above and below - two views as Metropolitan HERMAN delivers the Homily after the Gospel reading.

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Above left, Metropolitan HERMAN washes his hands as the choir begins the singing of the Cherubimic Hymn. Below left, on the Table of Oblation is the first complete list - in chronologic order - that this reporter has seen of every priest who has served SS. Peter and Paul Orthodox Church since her founding in 1905. Included on this list are the dates and location of their repose. Today, Metropolitan HERMAN will commemorate their names during the Proskomedia. Below right, V. Rev. David Brum sees that all is ready at the Table of Oblation as Metropolitan HERMAN is about to offer the Office of Proskomedia.

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You may click on the photo above left to view an enlargement.

Above, Metropolitan HERMAN at the Table of Oblation as the choir sings the Cherubimic Hymn.

Above and below, scenes during the Great Entrance.

Above left - "All you Orthodox Christians, may the Lord God remember in his kingdom always, now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen." Above right, Metropolitan HERMAN places the Aer over the Holy Things.

Above, the clergy exchange a greeting with the Metropolitan and with each other as the choir begins to sing the Symbol of the Faith (The Creed).

Above and below left - the clergy fan the Aer over the Holy Gifts and the Metropolitan. Please see "Centennial Hierarchical Divine Liturgy (3)" for the concluding portion of this photoreport.

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